Persian Instruments


Persian Instruments: A Tribute to Timeless Musical Legacy


Introduction: The Harmonious Canvas of Persia

From age to age, Persia, which we now call Iran, has stood as a beacon of human civilization, showcasing an elaborate mosaic of culture, art, and especially music. When one takes a moment to delve into the world of Persian melodies, it’s immediately evident the deep heritage marked by distinct tones and cadences. A notable hallmark of this enduring civilization is the vast collection of Persian instruments. These tools not only serve to create its musical sounds but also reverberate with tales of its history, myths, and traditions. Stepping into is akin to unlocking a treasure trove overflowing with these sonorous marvels, each boasting its unique narrative and import.


Spotlight on Persian Instruments


This member of the lute family, the Setar, is an intricate instrument with four strings. While it finds its roots in both classical and folk melodies, its name is derived from ‘se,’ translating to three, and ‘tar,’ which means strings. The introduction of the fourth string in its design has amplified its melodic capabilities. The Setar stands not merely as an instrument but resonates deeply with the inner feelings of the musician.



Revered as one of the oldest musical tools known to humanity, the Santoor is a trapezoid-shaped hammered dulcimer possessing 72 strings. Each string seems to echo stories from ages past, as its entrancing sound has held listeners captive for countless generations. When played with its delicate wooden mallets, the notes it releases can be likened to the gentle flow of water—utterly peaceful yet teeming with vitality.



More than a mere frame drum, the Daf, deeply embedded in Sufi practices, boasts a round design adorned with metallic rings. When set into motion, the Daf produces rhythms capable of inducing states of deep introspection, embodying a profound spiritual bond. It has been, and remains, an instrumental tool in many rites to foster a heightened state of awareness.



The Ney, an elongated end-blown flute, serves as a testament to unfiltered communication with the divine. When played by a master, the Ney goes beyond musical notes; it seems to voice the mysteries of existence itself. The Digital Hub for Persian Instruments

Journeying through is an experience that transcends typical online shopping. It stands tall as a digital repository dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the rich legacy of Persian instruments. Each page, every product description, bears witness to the unwavering commitment to enlighten visitors on the profound depth of each instrument. For the budding musician, the history aficionado, or those simply enamored by Persian music’s charm, offers a deep and fulfilling expedition.


The Resonance of Persian Instruments in Today’s Melodies

What continues to captivate about Persian instruments is their remarkable adaptability. Artists of our age, drawing inspiration from a plethora of global influences, seamlessly weave instruments like the Setar and Santoor into diverse genres ranging from jazz to electronica. This harmonious blend not only augments the realm of global music but ensures these venerable instruments retain their significance in an ever-evolving musical world.


Persian Instruments: The Craftsmanship and Legacy

The Intricacy Involved in Crafting a Setar

Crafting a Setar involves a deeply detailed process, often passed down familial lines of dedicated instrument makers. The primary body, conventionally sculpted from mulberry wood, is preferred for its resonance and lasting strength. Its strings, fashioned from materials like steel or nylon, come in different thicknesses, facilitating a spectrum of auditory nuances. Perfect crafting of the Setar is paramount; even a minor misplacement can disrupt its signature timbre.

The Daf: An Instrument of Mysticism

While the Daf is celebrated for its musical prowess, its deeper significance lies in its sacred role within Persian mysticism, predominantly in the Sufi realm. In spiritual rites, the Daf’s rhythmic pulsations lead adherents into profound meditative depths, fostering a celestial connection. Its dual identity—as both a source of music and a vessel of spirituality—has magnified the Daf’s importance, making it indispensable in diverse cultural and spiritual ceremonies across Persia.


The Santoor: An Ever-Evolving Marvel


The Santoor, despite its antiquity, hasn’t remained unchanged. In its nascent form, the Santoor bore fewer strings and had a constrained tonal scope. However, as musical genres transformed and appetites for varied tonalities burgeoned, this instrument saw innovative revisions. The modern Santoor, adorned with 72 strings, stands as a testimony to such progress, presenting a sound that resonates with both purists and modern enthusiasts.


The Ney: Nature’s Melancholic Voice

The Ney’s construction is a reflection of the natural world. Forged from a singular reed segment, this flute maintains its source material’s innate nodes, which bestow upon it not only its distinct form but also its evocative sound. The chosen reed, primarily gathered from Mediterranean locales, undergoes an exhaustive maturation phase, often spanning extensive durations, ensuring unparalleled tonal richness. Renowned Persian literati, like Rumi, have celebrated the Ney’s poignant sounds, which echo sentiments of desolation and deep desire. In performance, Ney’s melodies connect with intrinsic human sentiments, voicing feelings that often linger unsaid. A Confluence of Heritage and Modernity emerges as a lighthouse in our digital epoch, introducing timeless Persian instruments to an international audience. The platform transcends a mere marketplace for instruments; it encapsulates the spirit of Persian musical heritage. Comprehensive overviews, auditory snippets, and instructive guides on ensure even newcomers foster a bond with the rich fabric of Persian musical lineage. By merging tradition with technology, renders these age-old sounds attainable for all, establishing itself as an indispensable nexus for global music aficionados.


Epilogue: The Unceasing Echo of Persian Instruments

Persian instruments are more than mere mediums for sound. Their melodies, whether showcased in age-old rituals or modern blends, persistently captivate, enlighten, and motivate. Platforms such as are instrumental in ensuring these tools—and the narratives they enshrine—reach global ears, underscoring that while musical forms may shift, their foundational essence is perennial and profound.