A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Hand Pans

What You Need to Know

Introduction to Hand Pans

 Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of hand pans, hang drums, and tongue drums, enveloping your senses in the soothing, rhythmic melodies these unique instruments produce. Ideal for beginners, this guide will walk you through what you need to know about buying your first-hand pan. 

What is a Hand Pan?

 A hand pan is a versatile percussion instrument known for its euphonious tunes and unique appearance, akin to two flying saucers welded together. The instrument, played by striking with the hands, delivers both rhythmic patterns and melodic harmonies, making every performance a symphony of serenity. They are mainly made of steel and carry multiple tone fields, each identifying with a specific note. 

Brief History of Hand Pans

 Interestingly, hand pans are relatively new in the music scene. Conceived in Switzerland around 2000 by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer, they were inspired by the Trinidad steel pan and other ethnic percussion instruments. Today, the hand pan captivates music lovers worldwide with its enchanting tunes and meditative properties, delivering a therapeutic, zen-like musical experience.

Types of Hand Pans

 When it comes to choosing a hand pan, the two main types you’ll encounter are Hang Drums and Tongue Drums. Though they are all part of the Handpan family, there are distinct differences that might influence your purchasing decision. 

Hang Drums

hang drums

 Colloquially referred to as “the sound from the heavens,” Hang Drums emanate an ethereal, pleasing tone. They were first created in Switzerland in 2000, and their unique sound waves are created through a combination of hammered steel and careful tuning. Here are some features you should note:- Typically, they have 7-9 tone fields.

 – They produce melodic, reverberating notes. 

 – Quality hang drums are usually on the higher end of the price range.

 – It takes a bit of practice to master playing hang drums proficiently.

Tongue Drums

tongue drums


 On the other hand, we have the Tongue Drums, also known as Tank Drums. These drums produce clear, bell-like tones. Some attributes of the tongue drums include the following:- They’re typically less expensive than hanging drums.

 – Tongue drums are perfect for beginners since they are easier to play.

 – They usually have 8-11 tongues or tone fields.

 – These drums produce crisp notes that are perfect for calm, meditative music.

 Whether you choose a hang drum or tongue drum, the hand pan realm is brimming with the potential to create beautiful, soothing music.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Hand Pan

 The rhythmic, resonant notes from a hand pan, hang drum, or tongue drum can transport both the player and the listener into a world of tranquility and harmony. But acquiring one is a journey in itself and involves multiple considerations. Below are some points that will guide you on your trip to owning one.


 First and foremost, create a budget. The price range for these instruments varies significantly, from 200 USD to well over 2000 USD, depending on quality, brand, and complexity. Keep in mind that too cheap might not yield a good quality drum. A middle-range drum would be suitable for beginners without compromising on sound. 

Material and Build Quality

 The material and build quality directly influence the drum’s durability, sound quality, and aesthetics. Most hand pans are made up of steel or nitrided steel. Look for a drum with consistent built quality and a smooth finish. Ensure that the drum has been nitrided (a heat-treating process that prevents the metal from rusting) or made from stainless steel. Imperfections in the manufacturing process can alter the expected sound. 

Sound and Tonality

 The sound and tonality of the drum significantly depend on its shape, size, and number of notes. Pick a drum with a tonality that resonates with your spirit – one that sings to you. Hand pans come in different scales, like major, minor, harmonic minor, etc., considerably influencing the mood of the music. If you’re a beginner, start with a drum with fewer notes – about 8 to 10 is standard. 

Size and Weight

 The size and weight of the hand pan influence its playability and portability. Smaller and lighter drums are more portable but may not have the deep resonance of larger ones. A hand pan measuring around 21 inches in diameter is considered standard. Ensure it suits your physical comfort for handling, playing, and transporting.

Maintenance and Care

 Hand pans require regular maintenance to keep them in prime condition. You may have to clean it occasionally and apply protective oil to prevent rust. Look for a drum that comes with a solid carry case, not only for transport purposes but also for safe storage. Some models even offer ongoing maintenance services for a certain period, which can be a boon for beginners. Choosing the right-hand pan is a beautiful journey into the realm of music and rhythm. With these factors in mind, you’d be well on your way to finding an instrument that echoes your soul. Happy Drumming!

Researching Hand Pan Brands and Sellers

 When you are on the lookout for a perfect hand pan, you need to make sure you do your homework about the different brands and sellers out there. We live in a world with an overabundance of options, which could make your shopping journey a bit overwhelming. But don’t worry; we’re here to help guide you!


 There’s a range of excellent hand pan brands that are known for their top-quality products, and understanding their craft can help you make an informed decision. Some of the popular names in the industry include:- Pantheon Steel, known for their Halo hand pans.

  •  – Sela Handpans and their beautiful collection of hang drums.
  •  – Meinl , which caters to a variety of tongue drums.

Online Marketplaces and Retailers

 The internet also offers a collection of excellent platforms to find your future handpan. Amazon, eBay, and Etsy all boast a diverse selection of hand pans to suit different budgets and needs. Specialty music stores online, like Delaram music Canada Guitar Center and Thomann, also stock a variety of hand pans and related percussion instruments.

Reviews and Testimonials

 Lastly, ensure you check out reviews and testimonials for the brands and sellers you’re considering. Product ratings, reviews, and customer feedback can give you a clear idea of the item’s quality and the reliability of the seller. Try to avoid products or sellers with a significant number of negative reviews. Our best advice? Trust your gut and use online reviews as a guideline, not a bible.

Understanding Hand Pan Scales

 Hand pans, hang drums, and tongue drums are unique instruments known for their distinctive, resonant sounds. To fully appreciate and unlock their potential, understanding the concept of scales is key. 

What are Scales in Hand Pans?

 Scales, in simplest terms, can be described as collections of notes that provide the basis for a piece of music. When you’re buying a hand pan, the scale it’s tuned in shapes the mood and atmosphere of the music you can create with this instrument. Some scales evoke a soothing, meditative vibe, while others sound more upbeat and refreshing.

Common Hand Pan Scales

 • D Minor: Also known as the “D Integral Scale”, it is a favorite choice for musicians because its notes produce a soulful, mournful sound.

 • C Major: Known for its joyful and uplifting vibes, this scale is perfect for people who want to create feel-good melodies.

 • F Lydian: This scale is ideal if you want to create riddles of intriguing, dreamy music. 

 • E Minor: This is a versatile scale that evokes all kinds of emotions, depending on how you play the notes.

Exploring Different Scales for Beginners

 As a beginner, you may not know which scale suits your preference. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to explore. Use online resources to listen to different scales, observe the emotions they invoke in you, and visualize the kind of music you wish to create. A good understanding of scale dynamics will help you make a confident decision when you purchase your first-hand pan. Remember that there is no “wrong” scale — just different musical palettes to paint your soundscapes with!

Trying Before Buying

 Taking the time to try before deciding to buy is always a smart move for any substantial investment, and acquiring a hand pan, hang drum, or tongue drum falls squarely into that category!

Attending Hand Pan Workshops and Events

 Handpan workshops and events can provide a golden opportunity for beginners to experience this unique instrument before buying it. You can get a feel for the various sizes, sounds, and even brands that pique your interest. Plus, you’ll have an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share your love for hand pans. So, look out for any upcoming hand-pan workshops or events near you. It’s a neat way to get started on your handpan journey!

Visiting Local Hand Pan Stores or Showrooms

 If you want a more personal, one-on-one experience, consider visiting a local hand pan store or showroom. It’s an excellent opportunity to:

 – Speak with a knowledgeable salesperson.

 – Test out different versions of the instrument.

 – Find the perfect match for your personality and music preferences.

Rental Options for Beginners

 Renting a hand pan before committing to purchase is an underrated option! Many music stores and even schools offer rental programs that let you take a hand pan home to practice and “get the feel” for a limited time. This can save you from a potentially costly mispurchase. You can:

 – Check if the instrument fits well with your lifestyle.

 – Discover your personal preferences by trying different hand pans.

 – Decide easily whether to make a long-term investment in your hand pan. The journey of buying a hand pan can be as rewarding as playing the instrument itself. So go ahead, give these strategies a try before buying a hand pan, and make an informed decision that fits your melodic ambitions!

Buying New or Used Hand Pans

 When it comes to purchasing a hand pan, hang drum, or tongue drum, one of the first big decisions you’ll need to make is whether to buy new or used. Each option has its unique benefits and potential drawbacks. Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of each of these choices.

Pros and Cons of Buying New

 Choosing a new hand pan means you’re getting an untouched, pristine instrument that’s been crafted with care. The sound is likely optimal, and you’re often provided with a warranty for peace of mind.- Pros: immaculate condition, best sound output, often covered by warranty.

 – Cons: may be more expensive than used. However, brand-new hand pans often come at a heftier price tag, which can be a deterrent for beginners or those on a stricter budget. 

Pros and Cons of Buying Used

 On the flip side, buying a used instrument might help save a pretty penny or two. Used hand pans can yield unique, matured tones that some enthusiasts covet. – Pros: often cheaper, unique tones.

 – Cons: potential wear and tear, possibly no warranty. But beware: without proper care, these instruments can deteriorate. Always check for any signs of wear, tear, or rust. It’s also likely that the warranty period might be expired or void.

Tips for Buying Used Hand Pans

 1. Always ask for a recording of the drum being played.

 2. Check for the overall condition and look for any signs of damage.

 3. Ask about the history of the hand pan, including if it’s been repaired in the past.

 4. Try to play before buying or have someone experienced assess its sound quality. In conclusion, buying a hand pan, new or used, is an exciting experience! Just remember to weigh your options, and with these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to exploring the beautiful, calming melodies of your very own hand pan.

Taking Care of Your Hand Pan

 A hand pan, like any other musical instrument, requires regular care and maintenance for peak performance. The lifespan of your hand pan can be significantly extended through proper cleaning, storage, and protection against potential damage. 

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

 To keep your hand pan in tip-top shape, it’s crucial to clean it after each use to prevent dust build-up and finger oil accumulation. Use a dry, non-abrasive cloth to clean the surface. An occasional wipe-down with a damp cloth served with a bit of mild soap can also work wonders for removing stubborn dirt, but remember to dry it thoroughly afterward to prevent rust from forming. 

 • Avoid using harsh cleaning substances that can damage the hand pan

 • Flying insects can be attracted to sweet odors, so avoid cleaning products with sweet scents

 • Consider investing in a hand pan cleaning kit to give your instrument the best care

Storing Your Hand Pan

 When not in use, store your hand pan in a clean, dry, and room-temperature environment. Utilize protective cases to keep your instrument safe from potential damage during transportation or storage.

Protecting Your Hand Pan from Damage

 Apart from cleaning and proper storage, safeguard your hand pan from extreme temperatures as they can warp the steel, causing your instrument to lose its tone. Similarly, avoid exposing your hang drum to prolonged direct sunlight or excess humidity. Regular inspection for any signs of wear or damage will enable you to identify and rectify issues before they escalate, thus maintaining the longevity of your hand pan. Caring for your handpan not only ensures a quality sound but also extends the life of this beautiful instrument.

Accessories and Extras

 When you invest in a hand pan, hang drum, or tongue drum, there are additional accessories that can help protect your instrument, make playing more comfortable, or enhance the sound qualities. Let’s explore some of the most desirable items.

Cases and Bags

 One of the most vital accessories to consider is a high-quality case or bag. This not only makes transportation easier but also provides an added layer of protection against bumps, scratches, or even more serious damage that can occur during transit. When selecting a case:- Opt for something lightweight but sturdy. 

 – Seek a bag with extra padding for better protection. 

 – Look for carry bags that have BPA-free plastic lining—this helps keep the drum safe even in wet conditions.


Stands and Mounts

 Stands and mounts offer convenience and comfort as you play your drum. The elevation can make a significant difference to the playing experience, reducing the physical strain of having to bend or sit in awkward positions. When buying a stand or mount:- Go for a durable design that can support your drum’s weight without the risk of tipping over. 

 – Consider stands with adjustable heights for added flexibility.

woden hang drum stands

Mallets and Sticks

 While most hand pan and tongue drum players use their hands to create the instrument’s unique sounds, some players prefer to use mallets or sticks, especially when playing the hang drum. They can provide a variety of tonal characteristics, depending on the material and the shape of the mallet. 

Other Optional Accessories

 A few other extras to consider include:- Cleaning products: Depending on the materials used to construct your drum, you might need special oils, cleaners, or cloths to keep it in optimal condition.

 – Drum tuners: For those who are musically savvy, a drum tuner can be a handy tool to ensure your instrument stays in tune.

 – Instructional books or DVDs: Particularly for beginners, these can provide valuable guidance and advice for mastering the instrument.

 Remember, accessories are key to protecting your investment and enhancing your musical journey. Enjoy the rhythm!

Resources for Hand Pan Beginners

 Starting your journey into the world of hand pans can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. There is a wealth of resources available to guide you through the process of buying and mastering a hand pan. Let’s explore some places where beginners can glean valuable information and assistance.

Online Communities and Forums

 Some of the most helpful resources can be found in online communities and forums. Websites like Reddit are bustling with experienced users. These platforms feature:

 • Discussions about different brands and models

 • Suggestions for beginner-friendly hand pans

 • Tips on maintenance and tuning

 • Stories from other hand pan enthusiasts to inspire your journey

Hand Pan Tutorial Videos

 YouTube is a treasure trove of tutorial videos for beginners. The visual nature of these tutorials gives you a chance to actually see and hear the techniques being demonstrated, making it easier to learn. Content creators such as David Charrier and Adam Maalouf provide in-depth lessons, covering everything from the basics to more advanced techniques.

Books and Learning Materials

 Don’t underestimate the power of written material. Books like “Discover the Handpan” by David Charrier and “Handpan & Sound Sculpture” by Lark in the Morning deliver a comprehensive guide to handpan history, theory, and playing methods. These books can serve as your handpan encyclopedia, offering explanations that you can read and reread until you fully comprehend.

Finding Hand Pan Teachers or Instructors

 While self-learning is a fantastic method, having a teacher or an instructor can provide personalized guidance that can be transformative. Look for local music schools that offer classes, or consider online lessons: Websites such as TakeLessons or LessonFace connect you with experienced instructors who can provide one-on-one handpan instructions over video calls. Remember, the journey of learning to play the hand pan is as enjoyable as playing it. So, take the time to explore various resources and embrace the rhythmic melodies into your life!


 In our quest to discover the fantastic world of rhythmic melodies, we’ve dissected the intricate details of hand pans, hang drums, and tongue drums. We’ve learned the key factors to consider when selecting the most suitable drum to strike the perfect rhythmic tone. 

frequently asked questions

Why are handpans so expensive?

Handpans are expensive due to the craftsmanship involved, high-quality materials, complex tuning process, and limited production, which makes them unique and individually crafted musical instruments.

What is a Handpan made of?

A handpan is primarily made of nitrided steel, crafted into a UFO-like shape with hand-hammered or pressed dimples for different notes.

Is it hard to play a handpan?

Playing a handpan can be initially challenging, but it’s generally considered more accessible than some other instruments. Practice is key to mastering it.

What Is the Difference Between a Steel Tongue Drum and a Handpan?

The main differences are in design and sound production. The steel tongue drum has simple tongues for striking, while the handpan has a more complex layout with dimples on the top surface for hand striking.